20191004 reported by Excellence Magazine

Life Style


The collection value of Pu’er tea soared before the Cultural Revolution
Known as “the wise man in tea”


In the quaint “dumb house,” the boss who lived for more than two thousand years, each antique was carrying a different story and history behind it, condensing the artisans’ efforts, with traces of the past owner’s use, waiting silently for millions of years. To meet the destined person again.


The fictional characters in the novel are really unique!


The above is from the serialized novel published by the mainland writer Xuan Se in “Fiction Painting” in 2010. The cumulative sales of the novel exceeded 12 million copies, and each book went on the market. Open book and other authoritative literary bestseller lists are at the forefront, and even the top ten in the monthly sales list of Xinhua Bookstore.


Located in Kunming, Yunnan, mainland China, while dangling a cigar while soaking a century-old Pu’er tea, a glass of red wine was placed on the table. The owner of the dumb house, Lung HuiNung, smiled helplessly, “I have become a two-thousand-year-old monster like this! The protagonist of the novel has a real person on paper, and the dumb home has a real place. It can be said that it is the prototype of novel creation. There are often people outside the door who want to get a glimpse of the mysterious veil of the club, but they are not allowed to enter.


Taken from the “Knowing the North Tour” chapter of “Zhuangzi”, “the world is beautiful but not strict” is named “dumb”, and it is known as “the north dumb house and the south jiansong” in the mainland.

(Photo/Provided by Zhou Zhenglong)


There is great beauty in the world without talking-“dumb” home


Twenty years ago, it was designed and built by Lung HuiNung himself. The wooden signboard of the “dumb house” at the door is always shining, and the natural mottled traces have a special charm. It is taken from the “Journey to the North” chapter of “Zhuangzi”. “Beauty but not to speak” was named “dumb,” and it is known in the mainland as “the northern dumb house and the southern pine”.


As soon as you enter the quaint dumb house, you seem to have escaped into a time tunnel. Inside are displayed various collections of Lung HuiNung, antique relics of various dynasties, calligraphy and paintings of masters such as the Si Tiao screen of Yu Youren’s Liyun Datong, and old Pu’er tea bricks before the Cultural Revolution , Various types of tea sets, jadeite and ruby gems of different dynasties, comparable to the small-scale Palace Museum, are dazzling and dizzying.


Quietly located in the corner is a century-old piano, the largest buffalo horn held in the Guinness World Record, finely carved ivory products, red sandalwood solid wooden tables and chairs, Qianlong cloisonne enamel sky bottle ball, and a bed only available to large families in the Qing Dynasty. Lung HuiNung, who loves music, also put a modern acoustic guitar on top, which looks like a conflicting beauty of time.


Nan Huaijin’s “Disciple in the Chamber”-Lung HuiNung


He loves music, red wine, cigars, and Pu’er tea. In addition to the owner of the〝 dumb〞 house, Lung HuiNung also has multiple identities such as an antique merchant, mine owner, lead singer of the old wolfdog band, philanthropist, and Pu’er tea collector.


Married a wife from Yunnan. His daughter was born there in 1993. He said he was a half-Yunnanese Lung HuiNung. In the past, he became rich overnight by “gambling on stones” with jadeite. He became famous in Kunming, Yunnan. Brother Shenglong was the beloved son of the famous admiral Long Dezhi during the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the “disciple of the room” of the late Chinese master Nan Huaijin. In the past, the high-ranking officials in the family kept flowing. He who didn’t like to read was influenced by the environment. He had a profound cultural heritage. With a cigar, he could talk to you about how he was the Nobel Prize winner Hemingway. Amidst the ice and heavy snow, a magical journey of camping to find the seal of the Great Treasure Karmapa.”


He loves to drink Pu’er tea. One day and night 16 years ago, he personally wrote the words in Pu’er tea “Neifei”.


“It’s a tasting, not constrained by shape, as you like, whether it is hot or cold. The tea soup is similar to the morning light when the color is weak, and it is thick like red clouds, all crystal clear. The temperament is moderate, stable and restrained: thoughtful but not addictive If you want to cherish tea, you will cherish it! Smell it with orchid fragrance, from fruit fragrance: occasionally there is camphor fragrance, slowly turning between the presence and absence, the taste is smooth, soft and sweet, the fragrance is retained, and the aftertaste is continuous. Tired and diligent, or energized and vaguely contented: cultivate self-cultivation and self-cultivation, forget your worries and let go of the turbid world!”


He said that this article does not adhere to the form or punctuation. If you can sip tea carefully between the sentences, you can experience the profound feelings of sipping Pu’er tea.


Pu’er tea before the Cultural Revolution


Tin can accidentally preserves flavor


Lung HuiNung, who loves to collect antiques and rare treasures, accidentally found a batch of old Pu’er tea bricks before the Cultural Revolution in Mainland China. He originally wanted to share with his friends, but the quality of Pu’er tea in the past was different, and more often there were pesticide residues. The problem is that he is afraid of harming human health, and he must be thorough in everything. For this reason, he specially invited the expert, Professor Ou Shaomei, the founding chairman of the Taiwan Tea Association, to identify this batch of old tea for him.


Ou Shaomei, who has a righteous and outspoken personality, used to study Pu’er tea because of her friends. Through different sample collection and testing, she found that the quality of Pu’er tea varies due to different manufacturing processes and storage methods, and some even contain The extremely high bacterial count is harmful to health. At the time, she stood in the position of protecting consumers and was not afraid of offending the industry. She insisted on publishing research reports publicly, kicking out the quality and hygiene of Pu’er tea, and instantly causing a sharp drop in Pu’er tea sales on the marke


In June 2003, Ou Shaomei established the Taiwan Tea Association. Over the years, it has held academic seminars on both sides of the strait, dedicated to cross-strait tea cultural exchanges. Now many masters in the tea industry are her proud students. The tea ceremony world is well-known and prestigious.


Relying on her years of experience in food processing products, the research spirit of scientific data, and the identification of precision instruments, this batch of 100-year-old Pu-erh tea before the Cultural Revolution was completely preserved in tinplate cans, and the nutrition, catechins and flavors in it are not at all Because the passage of time decreases.


Ou Shaomei pointed out that, similar to the principle of using canned food in food processing, canned food is sterilized before manufacturing. The characteristics of the material block the important factors such as wind, oxygen, light and water vapor, so it can best maintain the content. The stability of the material has made these old teas perfect and preserved and the flavor is still there.


Lung HuiNung (right) specially invited an expert, Professor Ou Shaomei, the founding chairman of the Taiwan Tea Association, to identify this batch of old tea for him. (Photo/Provided by Zhou Zhenglong)

Choose the target and save well

Pu’er tea has value-added space


Even though the current batch of old teas on the market has reached a price of 120,000 RMB (about 550,000 NT), Long Huinong is not for profit, and hopes to use this batch of good teas to attract people and invite everyone Doing public welfare with him and contributing to the society will not only show the height, but also the breadth of Pu’er tea.


Xu Yixian, the chairman of the China Pu’er Tea Exchange Association, the founding secretary-general and a senior media person, has collected and studied Pu’er tea for many years, and authored “Why can red wine and Pu’er tea not?” In the past, he founded the “Collection” magazine. At the time, I bought a piece of “Long Horse and Horse Celebration” at a price of 8,000 yuan. In 2017, the same product was sold with a tube (seven cakes) and a cake. The astonishing price of NT$50 million.


Xu Yixian pointed out that in the past, I came into contact with Pu’er tea because of interest and hobbies. With the mainland’s emphasis on the inheritance of cultural assets over a century, it has also given Pu’er tea different values. Drinking Pu’er tea is not just about drinking healthy and ecological, but also a taste.


Xu Yixian said that the current market is divided into ten major brands of antique Pu’er tea, small workshops and contemporary Pu’er tea. The top ten brands are China Tea, Dayi (Menghai Tea Factory), Fuhai, Jiaming, Langhe, Longsheng, Longhorn, Laozhi, Yichang, etc. Xu Yixian emphasized that as long as the target is selected and the environmental preservation conditions are perfect, Pu’er tea has a certain value-added space.


Zou Bingliang, the founder of the Gulf Tea Factory, is a national treasure master in the Pu’er tea industry on the mainland. (Photo/Provided by Zhou Zhenglong)


Choose the target and save well

Pu’er tea has value-added space


Even though the current batch of old teas on the market has reached a price of 120,000 RMB (about 550,000 NT), Long Huinong is not for profit, and hopes to use this batch of good teas to attract people and invite everyone Doing public welfare with him and contributing to the society will not only show the height, but also the breadth of Pu’er tea.


Xu Yixian, the chairman of the China Pu’er Tea Exchange Association, the founding secretary-general and a senior media person, has collected and studied Pu’er tea for many years, and authored “Why can red wine and Pu’er tea not?” In the past, he founded the “Collection” magazine. At the time, I bought a piece of “Long Horse and Horse Celebration” at a price of 8,000 yuan. In 2017, the same product was sold with a tube (seven cakes) and a cake. The astonishing price of NT$50 millio.


Xu Yixian pointed out that in the past, I came into contact with Pu’er tea because of interest and hobbies. With the mainland’s emphasis on the inheritance of cultural assets over a century, it has also given Pu’er tea different values. Drinking Pu’er tea is not just about drinking healthy and ecological, but also a taste.


Xu Yixian said that the current market is divided into ten major brands of antique Pu’er tea, small workshops and contemporary Pu’er tea. The top ten brands are China Tea, Dayi (Menghai Tea Factory), Fuhai, Jiaming, Langhe, Longsheng, Longhorn, Laozhi, Yichang, etc. Xu Yixian emphasized that as long as the target is selected and the environmental preservation conditions are perfect, Pu’er tea has a certain value-added space.


Zou Bingliang, the founder of the Gulf Tea Factory, is a national treasure master in the Pu’er tea industry on the mainland. (Photo/Provided by Zhou Zhenglong)
