Steamed tea


Tea, the deceleration representative of fast-paced life!


From the earliest chewing of fresh leaves to cooking for soup, to the sencha method of the Tang Dynasty and the method of ordering tea in the Song Dynasty, and the tea preparation method after the Ming Dynasty, and the tea preparation met hod after the Ming Dynasty, each dynasty has individual strong characteristics of the times. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, the tea was steamed , the was steamed and pressed. Starting from the Ming Dynasty, the tea processing method was reformed, and the finished tea was transformed into a roasted bar-shaped loose tea.

In this way, tea drinking does not need to be cooked, as a dish, but can be directly brewed with boiling water. as a beverage. Therefore, steamed tea is not a product of modernization, it has existed since ancient times. Tea is king, water is minister! the medium! Whether it is steaming or brewing, the main medium that tea contacts is water.

As we all know, the maximum temperature of water is only 100°C when it is boiled, and it begins to transform into steam, and the critical temperature of water vapor is 374.5°C. Aged Pu’er tea with strong health and health functions is very suitable for steaming and drinking. Pu’er tea is a large-leaf tree species unique to Yunnan. Province of South West China. It contains a variety of trace elements needed by the body and essential amino acids. Specially the graded aged Pu’er, because it has been stored in tinplate cans for many years and pressed old tea bricks is aged and fermented into various beneficial conditions of weak oxygen fermentation, and produced the star element of amino acid! These elements are difficult to be fully released in ordinary brewing, but through high-temperature steam, the effective ingredients can be steamed out. The “Shen Nong’s Materia Medica” records: “Shen Nong tastes a hundred herbs, and encounters 72 poisons in a day, and gets “tea” to solve it.” This “tea” is tea. Among the many poems and books about tea, there are many works that celebrate its health effects.

Among the many poems and books about tea, there are many works that celebrate its health effects. As we all know, tea is the “king of a hundred medicines”, and aged Pu’er is the “king of king.” The “Supplements to Compendium of Materia Medica” records: “Pu’er tea… Black as lacquer…green ones are better, digesting food and resolving phlegm, clearing the stomach and producing fluids, and their skills are especially great…Puyu tea steamed into a ball, in Gouxifan city, the most potent, the same as Lu’an! When we are in a healthy state, we can drink more tea to maintain our health by brewing or cooking! When the body needs to play the role of old Pu’er and its king of medicine, the medicinal value of old tea can be obtained by steaming tea in ancient times!
